Why Preferred SNF Networks and Where to Start

Authored by Brent T. Feorene, MBA, Vice President, Integrative Delivery Models

Why Preferred Post-Acute Networks?

Health system leaders recognize that one key to success for health systems and accountable care organizations (ACOs) in today’s value-driven environment is highly effective post-acute services and programs that are well-integrated into the care continuum. To be successful in bundled payments, the ACO environment, and the new outcomes-driven reimbursement arrangements, health systems must maximize the impact of the post-acute continuum for the benefit of patients and their own financial health.

The results of the Premier Spring 2016 Survey of system leaders indicate that over the next three years expanding and integrating high-value post-acute care networks is a key strategy for 95 percent of surveyed executives. However, the survey also indicates 94 percent of these executives feel that creating preferred post-acute care networks will likely be one of their greatest challenges in that same time period.

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